Friday, August 30, 2013

Marching Toward Syria and Beyond: Imperial Madness

by Ben Schreiner 

With Syria firmly in the cross hairs, Washington’s war cries are nearing a crescendo. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Barack Obama 10 Step Guide to the U.S. Presidency

by Ben Schreiner 

1. Kill Foreigners

Every president must consolidate his or her domestic power.  And long the best way to consolidate power within the world’s lone indispensable nation has been to knock off a few foreigners.  This services your power in three ways.  First, it ensures the profitability of the defense industry—i.e., your corporate masters.  Second, it proves that you are sufficiently tough, not some peacenik wuss.  And third, it makes your subjects feel safe; for nothing seems to bring greater comfort to Americans than knowing someone, somewhere has been snuffed out in the service of their safety. 

But not just any foreigner will do here.  Generally think of the impoverished, faraway type.  But right now, really any Muslim will do just fine.